Meet James Albert

I have lived in the city of San Bernardino since my family moved here from Los Angeles when I was 9 years old. Growing up, I was a competitive multi-sport athlete, and was able to earn an athletic scholarship to play basketball at CSU Monterey Bay. I graduated debt-free four years later with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology with academic honors.
Returning home after college, I got involved in my community, volunteering with my high school with the basketball team and working on a number of public-service oriented jobs, including the US Postal Service. In recent years, I have been involved in political campaigns ranging from adding affordable housing in our region to closing the loopholes that allow large corporations to avoid paying their fair share in the property taxes which help fund our local governments, school districts, and community colleges. 
Having lived in the city of San Bernardino for 23 years, I believe in the potential and opportunity of my city and region despite the present obstacles and barriers. I believe the San Bernardino Community College District, which includes San Bernardino Valley College and Crafton Hills College, as well as KVCR/FNX (local NPR-affiliate radio station), plays an essential role and service in making sure the opportunity and potential of our region is afforded to everybody regardless of their personal circumstances. 
The funding formula for our community college is now dependent on how well we connect our students with living wage jobs here in our region, which have been in short supply in the time that I have lived here. I believe that enrollment in our community colleges will improve if we continue to remove any and all financial barriers to the classroom. We also need to do a better job of becoming a model employer for our region and being less reliant on part-time, adjunct faculty who are mistreated in terms of compensation and benefits like healthcare. We need to make sure we are providing pay and benefits that are competitive with neighbouring districts like Riverside and Chaffey. Lastly, I believe KVCR/FNX plays an essential service in terms of civic engagement, accountability, and providing a trusted source of news and multicultural content for our region. 

San Bernardino County Democratic Party
Rialto Democratic Club
Redlands Area Democratic Club
Mountain Bears Democratic Club
Big Bear Democratic Club
Black Young Democrats of the Inland Empire
Teamsters Local 1932
IE United
Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood, Orange and San Bernardino Counties


These organizations have endorsed James.

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Contact James


Reach James via email or cell (909) 273-7021.

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